Blood for the Frost Orchid, an adventure path of 1-page adventures is out now on and Drivethrurpg!
Lightning and Shadow out now!

New Arcane Magic and Divine Miracle things!
Quickstart updated to version 1.01!

I tested a bit this weekend with the pregen characters and the Starter Adventure "Guards of Karazina" from the Quickstart Guide. During this test, we noticed that the cheat sheet that came with the Ranger pregen character was wrong, so we are updating that with the 1.01 update.

Besides this error, we had a blast testing out BARGE some more and we also kicked around some of the new testing material that will be coming out in the next few weeks.

Please if you run into issues while playing/running BARGE reach out and I will be happy to help clarify and make whatever corrections needed for the document.

If you get the opportunity to run a game of BARGE over the coming holidays please let me know! Bonus points if you get to record it. 

Thank you again, have a great one!
